Hotel Service Bell has been carefully designed to fit today’s guests and their current technologies abilities and expectations and help hotel owners move to a more on-line automated approach to service and support. Providing radios and clipboards to associates and hotel employees just can not match up to the centralize efficient dispatching of Hotel Service Bell. Almost all associates and all guests have smart phones in there pockets already allowing Hotel Service Bell to be quickly implemented without expensive hardware or software to purchase.
It’s universal Web based designed allows for integration into other hotel systems in addition to using guest and associates phones and tablets and computers.
Hotel Service Bell is a highly flexible system that allows various organizational modeling (OM) . As the hotel owner, you define your hotel associate groups and departments and set up a system of notifications to make sure all requests and issues are efficiently tracked, managed and closed.
Hotel Service Bell has 6 levels of associates tiers to enable controlled access to system configuration, administration and dispatching of requests and issues.
Accessible systems but built in accountability
One of the design philosophies of Hotel Service Bell is that any associate who has access to the system can access any request or issue and update, dispatch that request. On the flip side, all updates to any request or issue are historically journaled with a time, date, and who made the change. This approach allows for responsible, collaborative work flow but has accountability built into the system to prevent the more open accessible architecture abuses.