Hotel Service Bell is designed with today’s smart and tech savvy traveler in mind. Today’s travelers search, plan, and manage much of their trip from their smart phones. Calling on the phone to the front desk or asking front desk for requests or explaining issues is often not comfortable for travelers. Hotel Service Bells allows a quick scan and 1-2 clicks to an interface to generate a request or issue ticket that can be efficiently tracked and managed by hotel associates. Hotel Service Bell uses customer SMS texting options as a method to launching the Guest smart phone interface. This approach is win-win for both Guests, Associates and hotel operators as requests can be better tracked once entered into a centralized managed database. Requests and issues can still be created by front desk staff or associates too but all placed into the Hotel Service Bell system. Radios and clipboards lead to requests and issues that are not properly tracked and managed in the way the Hotel Service Bell can provide for better tracking, accountability and reporting.